The Parish Faith Committee initiates and coordinates those activities of the parish, which pertain to the celebration of the liturgy of the Church and the spiritual growth of the members.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
Commissioned to distribute Holy Communion to the faithful during Mass, take it to the sick. Requires reception of confirmation; good standing with the church; participation in formation from the Archdiocese of Louisville Worship Office and being trained in parish procedures.
Ministers of the Word proclaim the Scriptures at Mass. Requires oral reading skills, participation in formation from the Archdiocese of Louisville Worship Office and being trained in parish procedures.
Assist the celebrant with the movement of the liturgy at weekend and Funeral Masses. Open to anyone that has received the sacrament of the Eucharist. Requires training.
Parish members who greet the people as they gather to worship. The primary responsibility of this ministry is the creation of an atmosphere of friendship and unity within our assembly.
Present the gifts of bread and wine at the Offertory.
Prepare the sanctuary before Mass
Coordinate the liturgical celebrations in calendar of the Church.
Visit parish members who are homebound, in hospitals or nursing homes
Enhances parish liturgies providing music under the direction of the Music Director who follows the guide of the Archdiocese of Louisville Office of Worship.
Leader of sung prayer at our parish liturgies, including weekend masses, parish weddings and funerals. Anyone blessed with vocal talents is welcome. Requires the ability to read music and lead the assembly (congregation) in song.
Under the direction of the Music Director, adults & youth enhance the music at weekend Masses. Requires the ability to sing in a group and time to attend practice.
Creates the ambiance in the spirit of each Liturgical Season.
Plans for the décor for feasts and seasons of the church year. Decorating skills and study of church’s liturgical documents are helpful.
Group of parishioners that bi-weekly: dust; polish furniture, vacuum carpet and dry mop sanctuary floor.
The Formation of St. Joseph Catholic Church advocates the vision of faith formation and education in the parish. It upholds the teaching of Catholic believes, traditions and values in the context of deepening spirituality and lifelong religious formation.
Religious Education Classes are held from 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on Sundays, September through April. These classes are open to any adult, including parents of children who are participating in Sacramental Preparation classes for First Communion and Confirmation.
Religious Education / Educación Religiosa
St. Joseph offers Bilingual Religious Education for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. Classes are held for Pre K (age 5) through Grade 8 and offered August through April on Sundays from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. in the Educational Center. See the bulletin for important registration information.
For more information, please contact parish office.
Sacramental Preparation
See under Sacraments
Serves members of the parish when they experience a death in the family. Members attend the vigil service at the funeral home, oversee meal preparation for the family on the day of the funeral, attend the funeral liturgy, and offer support to family members after the funeral. This support is offered on a highly personalized basis — cards, phone calls, or visits, as long as the need exists.
A social group meets on the first Monday of the month in the Seniors Room at 11 a.m. for a potluck luncheon. It is open to all parishioners age 55 and older. Date, time, & place are published in the bulletin.
UCHM Services are funded by the 22 UCHM member churches; donations from individuals; Louisville Metro Government, KIPDA, Kentucky Cabinet for Human Resources, the US Dept. of Health and Human Services, the US Dept. of Education, and Foundations.
Family Community Clinic is a non-profit, free clinic that is registered as a Charitable Health Provider in Kentucky. Services are provided by volunteer physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, and other health professionals in the community. We provide medical assistance to individuals without health insurance. Our medical providers see both adults & children with a variety of acute, episodic illnesses. Interpreters are also available for those who speak Spanish. Our facility is run on generous donations and grants from private and family foundations, as well as individual contributions. As a 501(c)(3), donations to the Family Community Clinic are fully tax-deductible.
The Stewardship Sub-committee concerns itself with stewardship in all facets of parish life and working with other standing committees of the Pastoral Council to continually evaluate the management of parish resources of time, talent and treasure.
St. Joseph supports the Archdiocese of Louisville’s mission of serving human needs, especially those of the poor and oppressed thru the annual Catholic Service Appeal.
The Gaming Sub-committee enforces the current Kentucky gaming laws at fundraisings events. The sub-committee also serves as a support for individuals who direct the fundraisers.
Opportunities for Life
Black and Indian Missions
Bishop’s Overseas Appeal
Holy Land
Mission Sunday
Peter’s Penance
Catholic Higher Education
Campaign For Human Development
Retired Religious
Catholic Charities & Crusade for Children
Coordinate the Festival of Ministries: a parish-wide event of organizations highlighting all the ministerial opportunities available for participation and responding to God’s call to use out time and talent for the whole Body of Christ.